The function of Sales has stayed the last choice of youth in India, even though 75% of them are finally employed with this function of management only. Let us look closely at what is so special in this function of Sales which makes it rock for all those who understand the function of Sales!
Why the function of Sales always rocks for its practitioners?
- Sales is a recession proof, future proof function. Irrespective of the economic condition and technology advancement in the world, the sales person will always be required.
- The importance of Sales Function is directly proportional to the degree of complexity in the minds of customer. The more the customer thinks about his need fulfillment the more is the salesperson required.
- Sales is the only function of management which directly brings money to the company. All other functions directly use the money that Sales brings into the system.
- A salesperson who can sell well, does not even have to touch his salary. Incentives are good enough to cater to all demands of life.
- No business can survive on a single transaction with the customer. It is only sales which helps a marketer achieve the LTV (Life Time Value) of the customer.
- Sales is the only employment opportunity which does not gauge you by your educational qualification alone. This is surely good news for all who hate studies.
- Recruitment in Sales increases when recession is high in the market.
- Sales is transparent to the industry vertical. Every industry needs salespersons.
- Sales methodologies will change with time. Sales roles will definitely change with times. Sales however is as permanent as change.
- Sales is the only function through which one can do demand forecasting, target setting and therefore budgeting and strategic planning.
A salesperson bridges the gap between the customers understanding and the producers imagination.
A customer always makes stories about your product or service, Salesperson ensures that customers narrative is the same as the salesperson’s narrative.
Sales is the only function of management which directly brings revenue to your organisation.
In Sales, salary is saving and incentive is to be used as expense.
Sales helps a marketer to realise the LTV of a customer.
Your educational qualification does not help you in Sales. It is only Sales that can help Sales!
Sales is both the cause and effect of recession.
Sales is a non dispensable function in our business.
The need for Sales is permanent.
Sales translates all your planning into action.
May the tribe of salespersons increase in this world!