Friday, 22 November 2019

Do you Craft your Sales Pitch?

A salesperson while presenting or demonstrating the concept that he represents uses 
a Sales Pitch to communicate to his prospect. The first 2 minutes of your download is
 the elevator pitch and it is of paramount importance that you gain entry into the 
mindset of the prospect during this part of the sales pitch or else the prospect might 
hear you and yet not listen!

Why is Sales Pitch so Important?

The importance of Sales Pitch can be seen in the following statistics:
  1. 20% of the top salespersons close 80% of the sales deals in any industry.
  2. Human beings think only 1% consciously and 99% sub-consciously. Hence sales pitch must address the sub-conscious mindset
  3. Prospects are left brainers and right brainers. Each category needs a separate sales pitch to be effective.

  • Prospects are influenced by reading reviews about your product even before you start your sales pitch.

Most Common Mistakes in Sales Pitch

  1. Do not flaunt the Features of your product. It has very little meaning for the customer. (Instead tell Benefits)
  2. Do not use jargons or technical terms to impress the customer. It actually confuses him.
  3. Do not tell the truth. ( Instead try to arrive at the truth through storytelling)
  4. Do not try to convince the customer by becoming the advocate of your product or service. Instead give enough benefit inputs to the customer so that he convinces himself to buy your product or service.
  5. Do not try to tell any problem of yours to your customer. He is least interested in the same even if your problems are genuine. (e.g. Labour cost is very high in my factory)

Ingredients of a good Sales Pitch

  1. Start to create a conversation. Monologues spoil your sales pitch. It must be a dialogue where the customer willingly participates.
  2. Research well before sales pitching as you are expected to provide solutions to your customer which translates into financial benefits for the latter. You surely cannot do this without properly researching the customer. Your insights must answer the question “What is in it for me?” in the minds of the customer.
  3. Sales pitch must be given to the decision maker only.
  4. The compelling benefits and insights highlighted by you in your pitch must give the customer a vision for the future.
  5. Objections, if any, raised by the customer during the sales pitch must be handed with kids gloves. Try to avoid getting into arguments. If you can, please postpone all debates for the future.
  6. Always listen to the customer to understand him/her rather than to reply to him/her.
  7. Your sales pitch must create a sense of urgency in the minds of the customer.
  8. Your sales pitch must give additional value to the customer; over and above what he/she would normally expect from you.
  9. Always end your sales pitch with “The Way Forward”. We can also call it CTA (Call to Action)

Strategy for a good Sales Pitch

  1. Don’t you agree? Make a compelling statement and end the same with this question.
  2. Create a dichotomy. Tell a Truth A which is good and follow it up with Truth B which is bad. Follow this up by creating a dichotomy between good and bad.
  3. The principle of Demo. It is always a good idea to show a demo during the sales pitch , wherever possible.
  4. Arouse the audience interest by storytelling.
  5. Strike an emotional appeal with your audience.
  6. Educate and Inspire
  7. Paint a picture by vivid storytelling.
  8. Flattery of customer helps you replace self doubt in the minds of customer with self esteem.
  9. The Pique Technique: This is a persuasion strategy believed to work by raising the listener’s curiosity and thus disrupting the automatic “No” and encouraging you to engage with the asker.

Words that must be used in a good Sales Pitch

  • Advantage
  • Amazing
  • Avoid
  • Bargain
  • Because
  • Best
  • Brief
  • Easy
  • First
  • Fix
  • Free
  • Help
  • Imagine
  • Improved
  • Instant
  • Now
  • own
  • Remember
  • Save
  • Thank you
  • Unusual
  • Value
  • Welcome
  • You
By now , you must have developed a comprehensive view of how, why and where
Remember, a job well begun is half done!

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